A Body Of Knowledge: The Wellcome Ayurvedic Anatomical Man And His Sanskrit Context
Dominik Wujastyk
Ayurveda, anatomy, painting, India, Sanskrit, medicine, Bhāvamiśra, Bhāvaprakāa, Suśruta, Susśrutasaṃhitā, history, South Asia
A widely-known painting currently in the Wellcome Library (Iconographic 574912i) depicts an anatomical view of the male human body according to the tenets of classical Indian medicine, or ayurveda. The painting is surrounded by text passages in the Sanskrit language on medical and anatomical topics. In this paper, the Sanskrit texts are identified, edited, translated and assessed. I establish a terminus a quo for the painting, and explore the relationship of text and image.
Keywords: Ayurveda, anatomy, painting, India, Sanskrit, medicine, Bhāvamiśra, Bhāvaprakāa, Suśruta, Susśrutasaṃhitā, history, South Asia
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