Ayurveda proclaims food and drugs are intersecting concepts that are vital for human survival and for the prevention and mitigation of diseases. Food interferes with the molecular mechanisms of an organism's “physiome”. It is consumed in large amounts compared to any drug. Hence, research on its effect and interaction with genome is highly relevant toward understanding diseases and their therapies. Ayurgenomics presents a personalized approach in the predictive, preventive, and curative aspects of stratified medicine with molecular variability, which embodies the study of interindividual variability due to genetic variability in humans for assessing susceptibility, and establishing diagnosis and prognosis, mainly on the basis of the constitution type of a person's Prakriti. Ayurnutrigenomics is an emerging field of interest pervading Ayurveda systems biology, where the selection of a suitable dietary, therapeutic, and lifestyle regime is made on the basis of clinical assessment of an individual maintaining one's Prakriti. This Ayurveda-inspired concept of personalized nutrition is a novel concept of nutrigenomic research for developing personalized functional foods and nutraceuticals suitable for one's genetic makeup with the help of Ayurveda. Here, we propose and present this novel concept of Ayurnutrigenomics and its emerging areas of research, which may unfold future possibilities toward smart yet safe therapeutics.
Keywords: Ayurgenomics, Ayurveda, functional foods, nutrigenomics, personalized nutrition
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