Issues and challenges of polypharmacy in the elderly: A review of contemporary Indian literature
Abhik Sinha
ICMR - CNCD, Kolkata, India
Shatavisa Mukherjee
Department of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata, India
Santanu Tripathi
Department of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata, India
Shanta Dutta
ICMR-NICED, Kolkata, India
Elderly, polypharmacy, issues and challenges
The aging population is of growing concern all across the globe as well as in India. Polypharmacy has been defined as the simultaneous use of multiple medications by an individual and the clinical suitability of such use. Polypharmacy is found more frequently in the geriatric population. Researches in India have also reiterated the fact. Polypharmacy in the geriatric population leads to many negative consequences such as increased adverse drug reactions, falls, frailty, and even increased mortality. Moreover, it leads to increased out-of-pocket expenditure. Polypharmacy also poses risk of poor treatment adherence and missed dose in the geriatric population. Mitigation measures in this regard may include increased awareness among physicians, improved medication management and adherence, efforts to reduce self-medication, and improper crosspathy.
Keywords: Elderly, polypharmacy, issues and challenges
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