Limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) is a type of Muscular dystrophy (MD), heterogeneous devastating complex genetic disorders causing progressive weakness and degeneration of muscles. LGMD is hereditary autosomal diseases characterized by weak and wasteful limb girdle muscles. The available management of LGMD in biomedicine is unsatisfactory. Here we present a case of LGMD managed with combinations of Ayurvedic oral medicines and Panchakarma procedures. The Ayurvedic diagnosis of the condition was considered as Mansagata Vata (∼neuromuscular diseases), a type of Vatavyadhi (∼neuromusculo skeleton disorders). The patient was treated with Shalishashtika Pinda Swedana and Mustadi Yapana Basti for the duration of 16 days along with following Ayurvedic oral medicines: Yograj Guggulu 500 mg with 40 ml Dashamoola Kwatha, Ekangaveera Rasa 125 mg with honey, a combination of Ashwagandha Churna -2g, Satavari Churna - 2g, and Sankha Bhasma 500 mg with milk, Narsinha Churna- 3g and Ashwagandhavleha- 5g with milk. All medicines were given twice a day. Patient's condition was assessed for symptoms of pain, walking distance, power and reflexes of both upper and lower limb and psedohypertrophy of both calf muscles. Serum Creatine Phoshphokinase (S.CPK) level and electromyography (EMG) were also measured. There was symptomatic improvement in the patient's condition and reduction in S.CPK level. The study suggests that LGMD can be satisfactorily managed with Ayurvedic oral medicines and Panchakarma therapy.
Keywords: Ayurvedic management, Limb girdle muscular dystrophy, Mansagata vata
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