Toxic hepatitis-associated aplastic anaemia after dual homeopathic remedies and Gymnema sylvestre use
Cyriac Philips
Clinical and Translational Hepatology, Rajagiri Hospital, Aluva, Kerala, India
Arif Theruvath
Department of Clinical Research, Rajagiri Hospital, Aluva, Kerala, India
Resmi Ravindran
Department of Clinical Research, Rajagiri Hospital, Aluva, Kerala, India
drugs and medicines, gastrointestinal system, liver disease, hepatitis other, toxicology
Hepatitis-associated aplastic anaemia (HAAA) is a rare condition characterised by onset of acute hepatitis which is followed by development of severe pancytopenia due to bone marrow failure within 6 months. This syndrome can be precipitated by acute viral infections, but the aetiology remains unknown in the majority. Drug-induced HAAA is extremely rare and has been reported with nutritional and dietary supplements in current literature. We report the first cases of ayurvedic herbal and homeopathic remedies-associated HAAA in two patients which proved fatal in both. Evaluation of patients with acute hepatitis and severe pancytopenia must include a detailed evaluation for complementary and alternative medicine use.
Keywords: drugs and medicines, gastrointestinal system, liver disease, hepatitis other, toxicology
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