Preprint / Version 1

A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effect of GandhakaRasayana rectal suppository in post operative pain management in ano-rectal disorders


  • Ranjani Deshpande aConsultant Ayurveda Surgeon, Sritulasi Ayurvedalaya, Bengaluru, India
  • Shilpa N bAssociate Professor, Government Ayurveda Medical College Bengaluru, India
  • Manjunath Swaroop cDirector, Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Pain Specialist, JINKA Hospital (Unit of KMC), Bengaluru, India
  • Mahalakshmi Muralimohan dConsultant Physician, Aprameya Ayurveda, Bengaluru, India
  • Ashwin Shetty dConsultant Physician, Aprameya Ayurveda, Bengaluru, India


Ayurveda, Rectal suppository, Guda varti, Gandhaka rasayana, Post-operative pain, Diclofenac sodium


Poorly managed post-operative pain can lead to complications and prolonged rehabilitation. Pain Management after ano-rectal surgery becomes important as it could hamper day to day activities, disturb sleep, alter appetite and bowel evacuations and decrease the quality of life. According to Acharya Sushrutha, pain (Shoola) cannot be produced without Vata dosha and Shoola (pain) is inevitable after Shastra (surgical) Karma (procedure) for which Basti (enema) is usually the management of choice. Rectal suppositories are one such dosage form that are extensively used in post-operative pain management especially after ano-rectal surgery. Materials and method In the study, a total of 40 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were randomly divided to two groups comprising of 20 patients each. Patients of Group A were treated with Gandhaka Rasayana rectal suppository and Group B were treated with Diclofenac Sodium rectal suppository for post-operative 5 days. Results The overall comparative results revealed a statistically significant improvement of 85% in Group A and 80.39% in Group B. Gandhaka Rasayana which is Tridoshashamaka, Vatamaya Nivaraka (ameliorates diseases caused by Vata dosha), Agnivardhaka (improves appetite and metabolism) and Shoolahara (reduces pain) attains micro particle size with 88 Bhavana (trituration) that can be readily absorbed by the rectal mucosa to exhibit the required therapeutic action. Conclusion The Bhavana Dravya (medium of trituration) used in the preparation of Gandhaka Rasayana have proven analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial action and is also said to promote wound healing. The present study reveals that there is significant effect of Gandhaka Rasayana rectal suppositories in managing post-operative pain of ano-rectal disorders. Keywords: Ayurveda, Rectal suppository, Guda varti, Gandhaka rasayana, Post-operative pain, Diclofenac sodium
