Vaidya Manorama is a folklore Kerala Ayurveda literature that encompasses time- tested low-budget formulations that can be prepared from easily available resources. Ayurveda Ophthalmology has been described in Chapter twenty-eight of the literature. Many unique formulations like eating firefly (khadyota), preparing ghee from fresh-water shellfish (tadaka-shuktika), Kadali phala (a special type of banana) bidalaka, dropping of juice of palasha (Butea monosperma) into eyes for various clinical conditions are described. We review the unique ophthalmology formulations in this chapter to bring them to limelight. Few herbo-mineral formulations are also described for which toxicity and safety studies are warranted. All these handy formulations may help clinicians in day-to-day practice or may be a lead for novel research.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Ayurveda Ophthalmology, Formulations, Kerala, Vaidya Manorama
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