Preprint / Version 1

COVID-19 patient with B cell lymphoma co-morbidity managed with co-administration of ayurvedic formulation


  • Prasad Pandkar aDepartment of Kriya sharir (Ayurveda Physiology), Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, College of Ayurveda, Pune, 411043, India
  • Santosh Deshmukh bShri Vishwavati Ayurvedic Chikitsalay and Research Centre, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • Vinay Sachdeva bShri Vishwavati Ayurvedic Chikitsalay and Research Centre, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India


COVID-19, Cancer, Immunocompromised, Lymphoma, Host immune response, Antiviral


‘Renaissance took place in Chaos and plague’. It was COVID-19 pandemic, when world realized ayurveda co-interventions are praiseworthy even in acute, infective and fatal conditions like COVID-19. We report perhaps first case of COVID-19 patient with cancer managed with poly-herbal ayurvedic formulation and integrated approach. In the first wave of COVID-19 (June 2020), a 47 year old male with history of Chronic kidney disease and active B Cell Lymphoma complained of fever, malaise, cattarah and ageusia. He was found positive on RT-PCR which was done promptly and was later treated in home quarantine with antipyretics, Vitamin C and Madhav rasayan a polyherbal preparation containing Piper longum, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Eclipta alba, Achyranthes aspera, Embelia ribes and Aloe vera designed to modulate host response. It was challenging to treat a patient with cancer with immunocompromised status as he had recently finished his chemotherapy cycle (R–CHOP regimen). Patient well tolerated the intervention and recovered symptomatically. He did not developed any respiratory complications and oxygen saturation remained maintained. On 7th day RT-PCR was found to be negative. Plethora of literature is available on anti-viral and immunomodulatory efficacies of Ayurveda herbs based on in vitro studies. Such efficacies can be replicated at patient's level if supported with wisdom of Ayurveda epistemology. Early diagnosis on RT-PCR and early inception of ayurveda medicine and diet interventions might be crucial element for better recovery. Keywords: COVID-19, Cancer, Immunocompromised, Lymphoma, Host immune response, Antiviral
