Sadyovamana - An effective therapy in the management of Bell's palsy – A case report
Indu S
aDepartment of Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College, Dhanwanthari Nagar, Tripunithura, Kerala, India
Remya Vijayan
bDepartment of Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College, Kannur, India
Sreeja Sukeshan
cDepartment of Salakya Tantra, Govt. Ayurveda College, Dhanwanthari Nagar, Tripunithura, Kerala, India
Ardita, Vatajananatmajavyadhi, Sadyovamana, Bell's palsy, Case report
Bell's palsy or Facial nerve palsy is a condition that causes temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles in the face. In Ayurveda, Ardita is a disease with functional disturbances affecting the Uthamanga (head) and stands close with the symptoms of Bell's palsy. This crippling disease has been elaborated by Ayurveda Acharyas Charaka, Susrutha and Vagbhata in their respective samhithas. It is narrated as one among the Asheeti Vata Vikaras (80 types of typical vata predominant diseases). This report is on a case study of 44 year old male patient who approached the Panchakarma OPD presenting with complaints of deviated face towards left side, difficulty in closing right eye and feeling of heaviness and swelling over right side of face for about 3 days. After relevant examinations and screening it was diagnosed as Bell's palsy. This disease though self-resolving some cases remain partially recovered and some may be left with major facial dysfunction. This patient was admitted at Govt. Ayurveda College, Tripunithura, Kerala, India for speedy recovery and complete resolution of this disease. Fourteen days of treatment primarily Sadyovamana followed with oral medications, pratimarsha nasya and physiotherapy were administered. The patient got complete recovery from all the symptoms of Ardita without any residual weakness or deformity within two weeks which is much early than the self-resolving period of 6 months. Being one among the aseetivatavikaras, Sadyovamana is the least practiced treatment for this condition. So in this report the scope of Sadyovamana in Bell's palsy management is discussed.
Keywords: Ardita, Vatajananatmajavyadhi, Sadyovamana, Bell's palsy, Case report
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